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India Foreign Policy under Modi - Invited Perils for India |

 India Foreign Policy under Modi - Invited Perils for India

Stupid Modi's failed foreign policy has cornered India in the international arena. Remember that there is less need for an interpreter for direct talks with every world leader in the international arena. This is a breach of confidentiality. Everyone is educated. The exception is Narendra Modi of India, an uneducated, incompetent, and Non- English-speaking statesman.

The need for track 1 & 2 foreign policy in every country is undeniable.

Outside the country's position on the publication of the joint declaration - all these statesmen maintain relations with each other; So that the political interests of the country can be changed as the context of international politics changes.

India's misfortune, in the last seven years under Narendra Modi - India's foreign policy and position has failed to earn respect in the international arena.

Now let us look at the example of the useless activities of the ignorant Narendra Modi in the international arena.

1. The immaturity of India's current foreign policy with the United States depends on the clever businessman Donald Trump; India today is enjoying the evils of the flattering foreign policy that Prime Minister Narendra Modi formulated. Donald Trump as a successful business leader; gauged Narendra Modi, understood his ability and stupidity; So with the false promise of security protection - Trump sold a large number of helicopters, warplanes, weapons to India, but has not taken any action against China or Pakistan on military issues or has not supported India.

Donald Trump did not grant any visa waiver to India.

Bilateral trade with Iran effected. puts pressure on India; India stopped purchasing mineral oil on favorable terms from Iran; As a result, India today is facing huge financial losses.

Shameless Narendra Modi has constantly sawdered Trump; but In every case, Donald Trump has criticized and insulted Modi

In this context, Modi's stupid behavior and crying at Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook office - during the investment proposal in India; India has been embarrassed. Zuckerberg has laughed even though he has not invested.

Returning to the United States after his visit from India, Donald Trump directly criticized Modi at a press conference and said, "Modi wasted his five hours by saying the same thing over and over again."

2. During his visit to Canada, stupid Modi's infamous Algebra Formula - the whole world laughed at it. Justin Trudeau is the most popular of the leaders in recent times, ignored Narendra Modi.

Angela Merkel also did the same thing, when Modi stretched his head to shake with her, she took it away.

3. Modi's inefficiency in India-UK relations has also been exposed Prime Minister Boris Johnson has twice canceled his scheduled visit to India

4. India-Russia's long-standing ties in international defense have disappeared under Modi's rule today. Russia's departure from foreign policy and greater ties with the United States have pushed India into a state of war today. Ignoring India's India's protest; Russia sold the missile defense system S-Four Hundred ( to China and Pakistan). Today, Putin considers Narendra Modi as a foolish presenter.

5. Narendra Modi has failed to impress the Chinese President despite flattering, multiple dramas with Xi Jinping in Ahmedabad and Mamallapuram.

Modi's brazen flattery did not affect the Chinese President in any way either. which was reflected in China's border aggression and Indian land occupation.

6. In a recent statement, the then President of France - Francis ollande - stated the irregularities in the Raphael warplane purchase agreement with France. This incident has proved the shamelessness of Narendra Modi in the international arena.

7. India's economic cooperation with Japan is declining today. In recent times, Japanese huge investment in Bangladesh, avoiding India, has become a source of concern for India.

8. Saudi Arabia unilaterally cancels the oil supply agreement with India.

9 UAE has stopped investing in India - it has sent a large number of people working in the country back to India.

10. Wealthy economy countries Qatar, Oman, Kuwait; Has stopped investing in India

11. India's oil deal with Iran, which was previously based on exchange instead of dollars - has been canceled, leaving India with a huge economic burden. Iran has canceled the Chabahar Port Use Agreement with India.

12. Turkey India's bilateral political and economic relations have deteriorated since Turkey is the world's best in the shipbuilding industry; Turkey cancels the ship supply agreement with India.

13. As per the rules, the Prime Minister of Singapore entertains any head of state at the palace during his visit; But during his visit to Singapore, Narendra Modi was not shown that courtesy. It is heard that he said goodbye to Narendra Modi after having coffee at a restaurant.

14. China's huge investment in neighboring Bangladesh, raising India's concerns, has multiplied India's security concerns. Bangladesh has already housed a Chinese submarine at the Chittagong seaport.

15. A small neighboring country like Nepal is today embroiled in a border dispute with India.

16. Myanmar's military coup with the help of China; The security of North-East India has been particularly disturbed.

17. The recent Taliban coup in Afghanistan is disrupting security in northwestern India. India's investment in Afghanistan is about 4 4 billion USD. The future of this huge Indian investment is bleak.

US troop withdrawal decision by Joe Biden proves the failure of India's foreign policy diplomacy.

In the changed world situation, Russia, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey have increased their friendship with each other. America's rights in South Asia are being curtailed.

Due to Modi's weak and incompetent foreign policy, India has been cornered in international politics. Today, India as a whole is surrounded by enemies.

Attempts to forge a one-sided friendship with the United States have pushed India to the brink of disaster and loss. Narendra Modi himself is responsible for this.

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