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Showing posts from July, 2021

Corrupt & Purchased News Media in India | ভারতে জাল ভুয়া এবং দালাল নিউজ মিডিয়া | भारत में नकली और दलाल समाचार मीडिया

Bhadua & Dalal News Media in India (Corrupt & Purchased ) I don't know when (Bhadua - Dalal Media) will give up their shameless applause. The broker and prostitute  Media of India has to pay the price for their mentality and mischiefs. Thousands of people in our country are dying today for want of oxygen and vaccines. But this could have been avoided by proper leadership and planning. The media journalists have been bribing the rulers to keep their mouths shut. Instead of criticism, these sold-out media and its Journalists were hired for praising and applauding the ruler government.  The result of this death march today is nothing but the consequences of unholy nexus between bribe Tooker journalists and ruling incompetent central government. Remember those who sold their backbones for money will suffer the consequences in exchange for lives for their own parents, spouse children, and lastly by their own lives. This shall be the fate of luck for misdoers. ______________...

Reason for Petrol Price rise in India | भारत में पेट्रोल की कीमतों में वृद्धि का कारण | ভারতে পেট্রোলের দাম বৃদ্ধির কারণ

      Reason for Petrol Price rise in India Sample of incompetent and corrupt Modi government ... Let's see the price of petrol per liter, how much money in some countries ... 1India -- $1.38=-Rs.101 2Bangld'sh-$1.05=Rs.77 3.Nepal - $1.07=Rs.78 4.Bhutan- $0.92=Rs.67 5.Pakistan-$0.70=Rs.52 6.Srilanka-$0.93=Rs.68 References Even after this situation, the BJP supporters praised and praised the leadership of Narendra Modi; Those BJP leaders and supporters need to be tied up in the streets and given a good standing so that the people can realize that there is a need to suppress evil and maintain decency. In this context, a number of ignorant people have blamed Mamata Banerjee for the rise in petrol prices, as well as the shameless bribe-taking media; Without minimal reading or without looking at Google, these idiots continue to serve the fake news Wherever you see these media journalists throw rotten eggs at them in protest so that they can realize the di...

Home Ministry to Control border Conflict in Different States | गृह मंत्रालय की गतिविधियां |বিভিন্ন রাজ্যে সীমান্ত সংঘাত নিয়ন্ত্রণে স্বরাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রকের কার্যক্রম

   Activities of Home Ministry to Control  border conflict in different states Well, it is indeed a great question you have asked, it is very much imperative too. Present Indian Home Minister Amit Shah and his boss PM, Narendra Modi have no discreet plan, I reckon. The kind of knowledge, wisdom, and legwork that is needed to address the crisis and analysis its conflict nature; both Shah and Modi have got no acumen to imbibe. Illiterates idiots do not like to hear and pursue candid opinions, despite knowing their own limitations as portfolio holders – they prefer to stay silent and inactive before the crisis takes place. Ever since this idiot duo took charge, Indian home affairs have become much more inactive and inapt. Recently happened incidences ( most of the news do not show in national media – but if you see foreign media and read articles you will get to know that presently India is moving towards civil war. Abrogation of Article 370 (without considering the impact a...

Respiratory Virus in Young Children | छोटे बच्चों में रेस्पिरेटरी वायरस | শিশুদের মধ্যে শ্বাস প্রশ্বাসের ভাইরাস

  Respiratory Virus in Young Children Is Likely To Resurge As COVID physical removing measures are being loose in numerous nations, there can be a resurgence of a youth respiratory infection, scientists have cautioned. Instances of respiratory syncytial infection (RSV) have risen pointedly in Australia and, all the more as of late, in the US as pandemic general wellbeing measures have been loose. RSV influences the lower respiratory lot and can cause genuine disease and passing. Before the COVID pandemic, about 2.7 million youngsters overall were contaminated with RSV every year, and it was the fourth most normal reason for death in small kids. "The slow time of year resurgence in occasional respiratory infections currently possibly represents a danger to weak babies," said Dr. Pascal Lavoie, BC Children's Hospital Research Institute and the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. During the COVID pandemic, Canada, as a different nation, has seen not very many instance...